China forms basic industry chain for quantum computers, breakthroughs still needed

China has established a basic independent industry chain for superconducting quantum computers, and it's one of the very few countries that can independently produce quantum computers, which are believed to be critical for future development, a leading Chinese scientist told the Global Times.

However, as the global race for quantum computing continues to heat up and the US continues to crack down on China's technological rise, "greater efforts are needed to make breakthroughs in key areas that are facing technological blockades by the West," said Guo Guoping, a deputy to the National People's Congress (NPC), China's top legislature, and deputy director of the Key Laboratory of Quantum Information of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

Chinese scientists unveiled a third-generation superconducting quantum computer known as Origin Wukong developed by Origin Quantum in January. It was based on China's first quantum chip production line, first quantum computer operating system, and first quantum computing measurement and control system. It also marked China's first realization of automated batch testing of quantum chips.

The delivery of that computer made China the third country in the world with the ability to deliver a complete quantum computer, cementing the country's leading position in quantum computing research after achieving quantum superiority, Guo said.

Guo is also the chief scientist of Origin Quantum Computing Technology Co, a leading quantum tech company based in East China's Anhui Province. The company said that its Origin Wukong quantum computer became operational and was opened to global users on January 6. 

As a Chinese scientist in developing quantum technologies, Guo and his team have been engaged in research for 21 years. He told the Global Times that Origin Wukong had completed 160,000 quantum computing tasks for global users as of February 26. 

The number of times it was accessed remotely from more than 104 countries around the world exceeded 2 million. 

Among them, the number by overseas users from the US, Canada, and Russia ranked top three respectively.

In the global arena, the US and China are considered the leaders in the field, and many experts believe that the US still holds an edge, Reuters reported.

Some Western media reports said that China has taken a clear lead in the area of quantum communication, but in terms of developing photonic qubits and error-corrected quantum computers, the US still holds an edge.

Competition in the global quantum computing market is fierce. Meanwhile, there is a gap between China and the West in the industrial application of quantum computing. US-based IBM has made significant strides with dozens of superconducting quantum computers deployed around the world.

China still needs long-term accumulation in the industrial application of quantum computing and Guo emphasized the need for state-level support policies and more investment to ensure that research is turned into applications.

"Developing and expanding China's own manufacturing chains for quantum computing devices is my key focus for this year's two sessions," Guo said, adding that the field of quantum computing has become the main battlefield for China's future strategic competition.

According to his proposal shared with the Global Times, Guo urged to promote the deep integration of quantum computing and related industries as well as accelerate the iterative development of the industry in China.

He proposed accelerating the improvement of China's quantum computing power in order to develop new productive forces.

"It is crucial to apply domestically developed superconducting quantum computers in various industrial sectors to support high-quality development in China by improving production efficiency and boosting innovation," he said. 

Guo said that the development of quantum computers had entered a new stage where foreign institutions and companies were putting great effort into engineering and industrial applications, in addition to research. It's urgent to fill the gap between domestic research and development and its applications.

Guo has made several proposals, such as urging to carry out medium- and long-term strategic planning to promote the industry's growth by boosting investment and nurturing talent.

There should be special projects to support the development of original and leading research. 

Governments and enterprises should jointly tackle key problems to put quantum computers into use as fast as possible, he said, and several industry clusters should be set up in the areas including biomedicine, aerospace, new materials, finance and artificial intelligence.

CPPCC to 'support employment growth' with suggestions, consultations

Political advisors will continue to put forth suggestions and strategies to promote and enlarge employment, a spokesperson for the Second Session of the 14th National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) said on Sunday, addressing a matter of great importance.

The National Committee of the CPPCC will conduct a wide range of work including the betterment of the support system for the employment of college graduates, conduct more studies on job market stability, and improve and optimize a lifelong vocational training system in 2024, said Liu Jieyi, spokesperson for the second session of the 14th National Committee of the CPPCC, at a press conference.

The top political advisory body will also hold broad consultations to address structural issues affecting employment to help implement the employment-first strategy mapped out by the central government, Liu said.

In 2023, local governments at all levels spent more than 300 billion yuan ($42.21 billion) worth of direct funding to support job creation and entrepreneurship. New urban jobs created in 2023 stood at 12.44 million amid support measures aimed at helping college graduates land jobs and employment incentives for people in need both in urban and rural areas.

The hard-won achievement has laid a solid foundation for the further strengthening of the positive momentum of the job market, according to Liu.

In 2023, political advisors submitted 91 proposals ranging from broadening employment channels for college graduates to enhancing employment flexibility to ways to better leverage the digital economy to address the difficulties faced by college graduates seeking jobs and companies looking for workers, said Liu.

For the acute shortages in finding enough seasoned technicians, political advisors held designated seminars to discuss fostering of an incentive system for innovation-oriented industrial workers. Many of the proposals were translated into government actions.

Liu Yonghao, a member of the CPPCC National Committee and chairman of New Hope Group, suggested that China should cultivate more talent with more incentives and support measures to promote rural revitalization and the building of a robust agricultural industry.

The second session of the 14th National Committee of the CPPCC will begin on Monday.

Number of China-Europe freight trains exceeds 85,000, effectively promoting development of countries along the route: FM

The cumulative number of China-Europe freight trains has exceeded 85,000, and it has opened a new bridge for economic and trade cooperation for Eurasian continent, Mao Ning, spokesperson of Chinese Foreign Ministry, said on Thursday. 

The routes of the freight trains have grown from scratch, and the transportation capacity has grown "from small to large," and it has opened a new bridge for economic and trade cooperation for Eurasian continent, Mao said. 

In the past decade, the customs clearance and inspection along the China-Europe freight trains have become more convenient, the business environment at ports has continued to be optimized, and international transportation regulations have become more standardized, Mao said. 

Relying on the freight train service, China has achieved closer cooperation with Central Asia and Europe, and its economy and trade have become more prosperous. A large number of companies of international trade, intelligent manufacturing and supply chain have taken root in areas along the route, and industries such as manufacturing, commerce, finance and information are continuously being upgraded, making products welcomed in China and European countries, Mao said.

China-Europe freight trains will continue to operate at full capacity, injecting new impetus into the development of the Eurasian continent, Mao said. reported that, since 2024, more than 2,600 China-Europe freight trains have been completed, a year-on-year increase of 5.3 percent, and more than 1,000 trains have been operated in a single month for 46 consecutive months.

At present, China-Europe trains have reached 25 countries in Europe, and the number of connected cities has increased from 217 in 2023 to 219.

US asked to stop smearing China on data security, to promote orderly flow of global data

China's Foreign Ministry urged the US to stop slandering and smearing China on data security, and maintain an open, fair and non-discriminatory business environment, spokesperson Mao Ning told a press conference on Thursday.

Mao's remarks came after the Biden administration on Wednesday unveiled an executive order barring genomic data transfers to China, Reuters reported, claiming that the US is seeking to protect American personal data over so-called national security concerns.

The order will curb bulk transfers of Americans' geo-location, biometric, health and financial information to specific "countries of concern." 

This is the first time the US has taken such measures, and the US executive order is also seen as the latest escalation of the "digital cold war" between the two countries.

In response, Mao noted that the US has generalized the concept of national security by falsely claiming that China is purchasing sensitive data of US citizens and engaging in malicious activities. "Banning the flow of data to the so-called countries of concern, including China, is a discriminatory practice clearly targeting a specific country, which China firmly opposes," she said.

The Chinese government has always placed great importance on the protection of data privacy and security, and has never, and will never, ask its enterprises or individuals to collect or provide data information and intelligence located in foreign countries for the Chinese government in a manner that violates local laws, Mao said.

China has taken the lead in proposing a global data security initiative, and if the US is truly concerned about data security, it could publicly support China's initiative or make a similar commitment, she noted.

"We asked the US to stop slandering and smearing China, effectively maintain an open, fair and non-discriminatory business environment and work with all parties to formulate universal data security rules, in order to promote the orderly and free flow of global data," said Mao.