Quad leaders meet; group ‘incites bloc confrontation’

At the Quad leaders' summit US President Joe Biden hosted in his Delaware hometown over the weekend, the four-nation group - which consists of the US, Japan, India and Australia - agreed to expand security cooperation, including joint coast guard mission, with China on mind.

The agenda of the meeting and its joint statement, which referred to East and South China Seas, exposed Quad's nature of bloc confrontation, analysts said on Sunday, criticizing the four-nation partnership for its detrimental role of fomenting confrontation and inciting geopolitical tensions in Asia Pacific.

US national security adviser Jake Sullivan insisted earlier Saturday during a briefing with reporters that "China is not the focus of the Quad," CNN reported, but the issue (of China) featured throughout the day.

The joint statement, released on the White House's website, did not directly name China, but it did mention "East and South China Seas," meanwhile, Biden was caught on a hot mic telling the other leaders that an "aggressive China is testing us," CNN reported.

Anchored by shared values, the Quad leaders seek to uphold the international order based on the rule of law and they are "seriously concerned" about the situation in East and South China Seas, according to a joint statement after the summit.
Create division

Ding Duo, deputy director of the Institute of Maritime Law and Policy at the National Institute for South China Sea Studies, noted that Quad members have made efforts to downplay its focus on China, emphasizing instead the shared values and strategic interests of the four countries. However, analysis of the summit's outcomes reveals it is targeting China.

"Targeting China" is not only at a strategic level but it also involves tactical arrangements, and specific plans, Ding told the Global Times on Sunday.

Per the joint statement, the four countries have agreed on a joint coast guard mission in 2025, and vowed to enhance logistics cooperation as well as data and information sharing within and outside the bloc, giving attention to developing maritime security ties with Pacific Island Countries and Southeast Asia.

Ding pointed out that the Quad could support countries like the Philippines and Japan, which have maritime disputes with China, through specific joint maritime operations.

The Quad statement also mentioned so-called "dangerous use of coast guard and maritime militia vessels, including increasing the use of dangerous maneuvers," hinting at China's frictions with the Philippines; however, in face of Philippine provocations under US instigation, China's actions aim to safeguard its sovereignty and legitimate rights, analysts said.

The Quad has been scaremongering, inciting antagonism and confrontation, and holding back other countries' development, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Lin Jian said at a press briefing in July in response to a Quad foreign ministers meeting in Tokyo which voiced "serious concern about the situation in the East and South China Seas."

Some countries outside the region have frequently sent advanced military aircraft and vessels to the South China Sea to flex their muscles and create tension, and have formed various groupings and incited division and confrontation in the region. All of this makes them the biggest threat and challenge to regional peace and stability, Lin said.

Li Haidong, a professor at the China Foreign Affairs University, told the Global Times on Sunday that the Quad mechanism is US-led and serves as a strategic tool to favor the US in its competition with China at both regional and global levels.

Although India, Australia and Japan have their own interests, the nature and direction of this mechanism will remain aligned with the strategic needs of the US, Li said.

Biden would not give up the opportunity of his last Quad summit to hype up China issues to amplify "China threat" rhetoric, and create a wrong impression that Washington's China policy is embraced widely, Li said.

Loose partnership

Although the Quad mechanism has convened meetings at different levels in the past few years and the US has strived to paint a picture of extensive and in-depth cooperation under the mechanism, "the outcomes have focused on political and diplomatic realms, being more of a posture," Ding said.

Cooperation is difficult when it comes to substantial inputs and spending of money, Ding said, adding that many of the proposals, such as joint actions and information sharing, can actually be carried out in a bilateral manner without a structure like the Quad.

Also, the obscure reference to China in the Quad statement could be the result of an internal compromise, analysts said, as members have different views on the approach to deal with China - Japan, Australia and India have intensive economic or people-to-people exchanges with China.

Different from US alliance with Japan or Australia, the Quad is a rather loose partnership, with each member aspiring to utilize the bloc to elevate their own international status, Li told the Global Times.

"It remains to be seen whether the Quad will continue to be a loose group or become a real alliance and further consolidate," Li said.

Novel ‘Wonder’ helps me understand how kindness can make a big difference

Editor's Note:

"Read ten thousand books, and your pen will be guided as if by the gods" is an ancient Chinese idiom that can be seen in students' textbooks. China's Ministry of Education has published an action plan to further promote reading among students across the nation. With new and diverse book recommendations, the reading scene is expected to be revived not only at schools, but also across society. To contribute to this endeavor, the Global Times launched "My Reading Life" essay contest for middle school students.

Please pick up a pen and share your stories with us at reading@globaltimes.com.cn

Participants will be rewarded once the article has been selected.
Over the years, reading has become an important part of my life. I always remember a notable motto that says, "Books are the ladder of human progress."

I like reading because reading can change people's lives. Through reading, people can obtain different information, knowledge and experiences, which can help them better understand the world and improve themselves.

At the same time, reading good books can also help people establish good values, world views and life attitudes, and obtain spiritual satisfaction and growth, and promote personal development.

Reading has not only enriched my mind, but also provided spiritual support and impetus for my growth.

For example, my favorite book Wonder by R.J. Palacio shows the substance of empathy, friendship, acceptance and celebrating differences.

I remember a quote from the book says that when given the choice between being right and being kind, choose kind. I believes in this quote.

Wonder tells the story of August, a 10-year-old boy who lives with his parents and sister in New York.

August is an ordinary boy in many ways. He likes riding a bike and playing video games. But August, or Auggie as people call him, was born with facial deformities and so looks very different from others. Because of his facial deformities, his mother homeschooled him for the past five years, but the family finally decided that it was time for him to start school. Auggie's first year at school was terrible, most people were afraid of him, so they kept away. Day after day, some kids bullied him with a game called "The Plague."

Whenever somebody got close to Auggie, that meant they caught the plague. But he never gave up on himself, and never lost hope. Through the hard times, a girl called Summer reached out her hands for him to be friends, that was when August first felt kindness from friends.

But towards the end, a dramatic event at a school camp changed things completely, people found out how brave he was, and how hard it was for him to get along with people and began to understand him.

Kindness is the main theme in Wonder. It helps us realize that a small, simple act of kindness can make a big difference, and we have the ability to choose kindness. From this book, I have learned to face differences in people. Maybe if we knew what other people were thinking, we'd know that no one is ordinary, and at least we all deserve a standing ovation at least once in our lives, because everyone is a unique star, and always ready to shine.

In 2017, the novel was adapted into a film of the same name by US director Stephen Chbosky. The film features stars like Julia Roberts and Owen Wilson and was a box-office success due to the heartwarming story that resonated with many audiences.

Although some of us do not go through the kind of hardship that Auggie does, we still can feel connected to the boy's story because at some points in life we have all gone through struggles and pain like Auggie.

Books like this make me believe that cultural productions can really inspire people and change how people think about life.

All in all, reading helps us become better people, and we can also gain happiness. If we continue to learn and constantly improve our cognition, we will be able to achieve a higher level of happiness. This sense of happiness derived from knowledge leads to both external happiness and inner satisfaction and prosperity.

So, I hope everyone can find a book that makes your day, and try to make reading part of your life.

The author is a student at the Beijing Wenhui Middle School

Russia: Opening ceremony of the Russian Theatre School master classes

An opening ceremony for master classes at the Russian Institute of Theatre Arts was jointly hosted by Russia's Federal Agency for the Commonwealth of Independent States Affairs, Compatriots Living Abroad, and the International Humanitarian Cooperation, or Rossotrudnichestvo, the Russian Institute of Theatre Arts (GITIS), the Beijing Federation of Literary and Art Circles, and the Russian Cultural Center in Beijing on September 18. 

Deputy Head of the Public Diplomacy Department of Rossotrudnichestvo Evgeniy Demin, read a welcoming speech by the Head of Rossotrudnichestvo, Yevgeny Primakov. 

"I am sure that the best professionals will teach you techniques that will undoubtedly be useful in your professional activities," Primakov said, wishing the Chinese trainees new horizons, true creative inspiration, a positive charge of energy, and new friends. 

Ma Xinming, executive vice chairman of the Beijing Federation of Literary and Art Circles, said that, as China's cultural center, Beijing has been committed to building a platform for international cultural exchanges through promoting mutual learning between civilizations. 

"Through in-depth study and discussion of the essence of Russian drama art, this program [of master classes] aims to broaden our artistic horizons and enhance the professional quality and innovation capability of players in [the] literary and art [fields] in the capital city," Ma said. 

Tatiana Urzhumtseva, director of the Russian Cultural Center in Beijing, said that Russian dramaturgy played a significant role in the development of Chinese modern theatre. "Understanding Russian classical dramaturgy in China and Chinese culture, the theatrical art of China in Russia contributes to the development and mutual enrichment of the theatrical systems of our countries," she said. 

The GITIS, a Russian higher education institution, is the largest theatre university and one of the largest in the world. It is the only higher education institution in Russia at which students receive education in all theater specialties and levels of training in eight faculties. The master classes run until September 21. 

Malaysia: Education Counsellor hails student exchange programs

A summer camp was held at the Tianjin University in Tianjin from August 11 to August 24, with the aim to strengthen higher education cooperation and exchanges between the ASEAN and China, and improve student enthusiasm for learning marine science and technology.
The Education Counsellor of the Malaysian Embassy in China Muhammad Sallehuddin delivered a speech at the opening ceremony of the Blue Ocean Summer Camp on August 11.

Sallehuddin shared with the students the benefits of participating in the student exchange programs, which are strengthening self-improvement and developing leadership skills to become future leaders.

The summer camp promotes comprehensive cooperation and exchanges between universities in ASEAN member countries and Chinese universities in the fields of talent training, scientific research, and cultural exchanges. A total of 19 ASEAN students participated in the summer camp, including five from Malaysia.

Featuring about 70 sessions, the education cooperation week has developed into a high-end platform and bridge making positive contributions to China-ASEAN relations.

Malaysia: The 67th National Day of Malaysia celebration hosted in Guangzhou

The Consulate General of Malaysia, Guangzhou hosted the 67th National Day of Malaysia celebration held in Guangzhou, South China's Guangdong Province, on August 30, marking the 50th anniversary of the establishment of Malaysia-China diplomatic relations.

Liu Yahong, vice chairwoman of the Standing Committee of the Guangdong Provincial People's Congress, was invited to attend the event. In her speech, Liu said that China's Guangdong Province and Malaysia are geographically close and their people are also close to each other. The two sides have close exchanges at all levels, especially in the fields of economy, trade, and people-to-people exchanges.

The provincial government is willing to work with Malaysia to build a high-quality Belt and Road Initiative, share the development opportunities of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, and deepen practical cooperation in various fields between the two sides, she said.

Suraya Pauzi, Malaysian consul general in Guangzhou, said in her welcome remarks that for Malaysia, China is a good friend who helps others in the same boat, and the exchange of high-level visits between the two countries has become a norm in the 50 years of friendly relations between China and Malaysia.

Pauzi also noted that in 2022, China became Malaysia's largest investor.

Eastern Economic Forum 2024 Recap (Part II)


The Forum was attended by 1,515 media representatives from Russia and 10 other countries, namely (Bosnia and Herzegovina, the UK, Vietnam, Italy, China, Malaysia, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Switzerland, and Japan.


At the Forum, 313 agreements were signed for a total of RUBLE 5.569 trillion (approximately $61 billion, including agreements whose amount is not a commercial secret, and non-public agreements between the Far East and Arctic Development Corporation and the Ministry for the Development of the Russian Far East and Arctic for a total of RUBLE 3.825 trillion), including 27 agreements with foreign organizations, 15 with ministries and agencies, and two during the Falcon Day International Forum. 

Additionally, the Roscongress Foundation and RUSAL, Russia's aluminum giant, reached an agreement to offset the carbon footprint of the EEF 2024. The company donated part of the carbon units it received as a result of a project to protect forests against fires in the Krasnoyarsk Territory. The carbon footprint of the EEF 2024 will be offset using the Thread of Nature platform, which can conduct transactions with carbon units and quota fulfillment units based on a marketplace principle.

Far East street exhibition

On the embankment of Ajax Bay, 11 regions of the Far East presented their key projects and achievements in various fields. The Ministry of Sport of the Russian Federation pavilion and Sports Arena hosted the “Developing the Far East!” joint exposition of the Far East and Arctic Development Corporation and the Ministry for the Development of the Russian Far East and Arctic, while the Tourism.RF regional development corporation had its own pavilion as well.

The Falcon House pavilion introduced guests to birds of the falcon family, their habitats, behavioural features, threats to the population, and measures being taken by the government to preserve these predators. For the second year, the exhibition included the Arab Village exposition, which was timed to coincide with the second Falcon Day International Forum. The exposition is dedicated to the culture and specific features of the Arabian Peninsula. In addition, for the first time, the Primorsky Territory opened a Fish Market at the Far East Street exhibition, where guests were presented with Far Eastern cuisine, including signature dishes made from pollock, scallop, crab, and mussels.

The “Time to Live in the Far East” flash mob was held as part of the opening ceremony.

The exhibition was organized by the Roscongress Foundation with the support from the Office of the Plenipotentiary Representative of the Russian President in the Far Eastern Federal District.

In addition, the “Welcome to the Far East” exhibition took place with the attendance of nine federal executive bodies and the Republic of Tatarstan.

BRICS Creative Innovation Forum

The EEF also hosted the BRICS Creative Innovation Forum, which was organized by the Innosocium Foundation, the social platform of the Roscongress Foundation. Nine discussion sessions were held on how to develop a human-based approach to innovation that combines consumer demand, technological capabilities, and the needs of businesses. In light of Russia’s BRICS chairmanship, all the main focuses of the Forum programme were prepared with an emphasis on how to thoroughly intensify interaction with BRICS countries in culture and art. The key event was the plenary session “New Russian Cultural Code: The Art of Preserving, Rethinking, and Transforming.”

14th Beijing Science Festival to kick off, featuring 600 promotional activities

The 14th Beijing Science Festival, in conjunction with the 2024 Beijing National Science Popularization Day, will illuminate the city from September 15 to 25. Hosted by the Beijing Association for Science and Technology (BAST), this year's event will take place across six key venues, offering an engaging and interactive science experience for everyone.

The main venue, the Beijing Science Center, will feature four major areas with themes including “Scientist Spirit,” “Technology and Culture,” “Science Education,” and “Science Experience.” A standout exhibit will be dedicated to the spirit of scientists. Spanning 1,200 square meters and opening on September 15, this exhibition aims to inspire patriotism and national pride through the stories of past and present scientists.

Another key highlight will be the exhibition on technologies along Beijing's Central Axis, recently inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List in July. This exhibit will explore the history of science and technology in Beijing, catering to audiences of all ages. Additionally, interactive experiences will focus on traditional architecture and cultural crafts, immersing attendees in China's rich heritage.

The Science Education area will target youth with over 200 engaging programs, including workshops, lectures, and hands-on activities. The Science Popularization Experience area will use outdoor spaces to spotlight topics such as deep-earth exploration, marine resources, cybersecurity, commercial aerospace, and artificial intelligence.

Five auxiliary locations will host specialized events: the National Natural History Museum of China, the China Railway Museum, Temple of Heaven Park, Gulou Community, and Shougang Park. These sites will offer unique activities such as bird-watching on the Central Axis, painting traditional architectural designs, and exploring the evolution of timekeeping technologies from ancient sundials to modern atomic clocks.

According to BAST, the festival will feature over 600 science exhibitions, lectures, and other activities. More than 1,000 science-related venues will host science activities, exhibitions, and lectures. Additionally, all 16 districts of Beijing will organize regional main events for National Science Popularization Day.

Village in Shaanxi embarks on journey of rural revitalization

China Rural Revitalization magazine has published a series of articles on the rapid development and transformation of rural China. The articles reflect the arduous efforts of rural revitalization across the country, which is an important and genuine solution to China's rural economic development. In the future, articles selected from this series will be published.

Haojiaqiao is a small village located on the Loess Plateau in Suide county, Yulin, Northwest China's Shaanxi Province. The village has gained recognition for the development of its rural collective economic cooperative, and it has made great efforts to develop key industries such as agriculture and tourism, through initiatives like fruit and vegetable greenhouse projects and orchards.

In recent years, the village has seen improvements in infrastructure and income growth, supported by government policies aimed at sustainable development. These efforts include leveraging the village's historical and cultural resources to boost its economy while modernizing agricultural practices for better productivity.

Chinese President Xi Jinping traveled to the village of Haojiaqiao on September 14, 2021, and visited the home of a villager whose family was lifted out of poverty.

Xi stressed that making villagers live a better life is the unswerving mission and aspiration of the Party. He urged the whole Party and the nation to carry forward the spirit forged in the fight against poverty to secure new and greater victories in fully building a modern socialist China.

When leaving the village, Xi expressed his hope for the villagers to continue upholding the fine traditions and make further efforts in building their village into a model of rural vitalization.

Targeted measures

At the entrance of the Haojiaqiao village, there stands a large stone monument bearing seven eye-catching red characters that read: "Haojiaqiao: Rural Model," embodying the revolutionary memories and history of the village.

Activating land resources has been a priority in Haojiaqiao's transformation, with careful planning required to address the issue of idle planting areas.

With the support by Party committees and local governments at all levels, Haojiaqiao village has undergone a profound reform including promoting the reform of rural collective property rights system for better allocating farmland resources and funds, in addition to establishing an economic shareholding cooperative.

Haojiaqiao has 2,800 mu (186.67 hectares) of farmland. As part of the overall plan, 2,000 mu of mountainous land is designated for the development of an ecological orchard, 300 mu of flatland for facility-based agriculture, and the remaining 500 mu is reserved for grain cultivation.

Once a role model, it remains shining today. On February 25, 2021, Haojiaqiao village was awarded a role model in China's poverty alleviation fight, during a grand gathering in Beijing to mark the nation's poverty alleviation accomplishments and honor model poverty fighters, indicating Haojiaqiao village's unwavering determination in the fight against poverty.

The village's collective economic cooperative enlisted experts from agricultural research institutions for guidance and ultimately decided to develop fruit and vegetable greenhouses equipped with intelligent irrigation and fertilization systems, tailored to the local natural conditions.

Hao Changxiong, 56, who started to work outside Haojiaqiao village at the age of 20, signed a 15-year contract for 500 mu of apricot orchards. When the harvest season arrives, Hao is busy with meeting orders from clients nationwide.

Given the popularity of local agricultural products, Hao decided to work with tourism companies to promote Haojiaqiao's agriculture-integrated tourism, and expand his business scale.

In terms of red tourism, Haojiaqiao signed cooperation agreement with a state-owned tourism company in 2022 offering patriotic-themed training for government departments, enterprises, schools, and associations.

Haojiaqiao's unique development model, which integrates red tourism, talent training, and agricultural industry, has set the village on a path of comprehensive growth across the primary, secondary, and tertiary sectors. In 2023, the village's collective economic income reached 2.11 million yuan ($0.3 million), with a per capita disposable income of 21,560 yuan.

'Making further efforts'

In 2022, local government officials conducted overall on-site visits across 644 households and 1,637 residents of Haojiaqiao village, which helped them assess the income structure, family situations, development aspirations, and challenges faced by villagers, in order to put in place corresponding measures.

Haojiaqiao village has been steadily developing a comprehensive public service system, which now includes a primary school, kindergarten, senior center, clinic, service center, and supermarket.

The senior center is fully equipped with restaurants, entertainment and study rooms, a lounge, and staffed by professional chefs and caregivers. Its focus is providing meals and daily support for local senior citizens, ensuring their comfort and well-being.

The village clinic offers basic healthcare services, eliminating the need for residents to travel elsewhere for minor ailments. The primary school in the village is equipped with a computer room, laboratory, and painting and calligraphy studio, offering qualified education environment for local children.

Zhejiang’s cooperation with African countries embodies win-win path of China-Africa relations: conference

In recent years, cooperation between East China's Zhejiang Province and African nations has steadily deepened, spanning various fields such as trade, culture, and healthcare. This reflects the high-quality advancement of the China-Africa community with a shared future.

Zhejiang has built robust people-to-people exchanges and established 31 sister-city relations with African counterparts, covering the provincial, municipal, and district levels, the Global Times learned at a press conference in Jinhua, Zhejiang, during the 2024 Summit of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC).

Educational and cultural ties have strengthened, with over 20 universities in Zhejiang collaborating with African institutions, and eight Confucius Institutes have been established in countries like Cameroon, Mozambique, and Tanzania.

Zhejiang's efforts in vocational training have benefited more than 2,800 individuals from 160 African companies.

Cultural initiatives have also flourished, with the co-production of the film Kung Fu Dream and Zhejiang's Jinhua Wu Opera Troupe frequently performing in Africa.

Medical cooperation remains a vital aspect of the partnership. For 55 consecutive years, Zhejiang has dispatched medical teams to African countries like Mali and Namibia. In 2022-23 alone, 110 medical professionals provided healthcare services to 183,800 local people, offering free clinics in remote areas and promoting traditional Chinese medicine through workshops and training sessions.

After the press conference, South African journalist Ayanda Ntuthuko Zithulele Mdluli commended the province's multifaceted contributions, saying, "The province of Zhejiang can ensure a relationship that results in economic growth, stability, and skills transfer. It is a significant development that should be applauded."

Liu Qinghai, a professor at the Zhejiang Normal University's Institute of African Studies, highlighted Zhejiang's pivotal role, noting that "Zhejiang is a highland of China-Africa cooperation, and Jinhua is the heart of collaboration. The province has worked tirelessly to deepen people-to-people ties and ensure the sustainability of China-Africa cooperation."

Zhejiang's focus on cultural understanding and strategic alignment with African nations is seen as critical to fostering long-term collaboration, driving mutual prosperity, and strengthening the China-Africa partnership in the Belt and Road Initiative, Liu told the Global Times during the press conference.

US is facing backlash for pressuring its allies to limit cooperation with China

To curb China's high-tech advancements, the US has repeatedly pressured its allies including the Netherlands, Japan and South Korea to further tighten restrictions on China's access to semiconductor technology. However, discontent is growing within these countries regarding Washington's increasing demands.

On Wednesday, the chief executive of Dutch chip equipment giant ASML admitted that the US-led campaign to restrict the company's exports to customers in China in the name of national security has become more "economically motivated" over time. He acknowledged that proving these restrictions are about national security is getting harder and harder and expects push-back against US-led restrictions to grow.

This is not the first time ASML has voiced concerns about US demands. 

Christophe Fouquet, CEO of ASML, and his predecessor Peter Wennink, also voiced opposition to US' restrictions on ASML's exports of chip-making equipment to China. Similarly, Japanese and South Korean manufacturers have been at odds with their governments which have long felt pressure from US to cut closer cooperation with China. These companies fear that continuing to follow US restrictions will severely damage normal trade relations, ultimately harming their own interests.
The growing rational voices within the US' allied countries are primarily driven by concerns for their national economic interests. It also highlights the selfish nature of the US, which disregards the dissatisfaction of its allies.

Lü Xiang, a research fellow at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, told the Global Times that US allies have been forced to implement export restrictions due to the influence of US hegemony, but these measures have already caused significant economic harm to those nations, proving that the continued pressure from the US is unsustainable.

In fact, the US' coercion of other countries to suppress Chinese companies and limit high-tech exports to China is a form of economic coercion, entirely unrelated to "national security." Washington's allies should recognize that by acting as a "frontline" in the US' anti-China agenda, their own national interests are being hijacked by the US.

Countries like Japan, South Korea, and the Netherlands have deep economic ties with China, which is viewed as a crucial, and in some cases, an irreplaceable overseas market. However, the US has been leveraging these countries' security dependencies to coerce them into adopting its restrictive policies, which are disrupting well-established global supply chains. Ultimately, these actions could harm not only US allies, but also the US itself, according to Lü.

Moreover, despite the US repeatedly emphasizing the importance of expanding its alliances, the country has failed to deliver tangible benefits to its so-called allies. For the US, allies are merely expected to serve its own interests, and its restrictive measures have already caused losses for them.

Take South Korea as an example: in 2023, South Korea recorded a trade deficit of $18 billion with China, marking its first shortfall with the country in 31 years. According to South Korean media, the primary factor behind this shift is the decline in exports of products, such as semiconductors, due to export restrictions imposed at US' request.

The US has repeatedly pressured its allies to restrict exports to China, but has never shown any willingness or capability to offer compensation. Lü said neither the US' claim to strengthen the transatlantic partnership, nor the so-called Indo-Pacific Economic Framework with its allies includes any commitment from the US to grant its allies greater access to its market. This means that the US' allies will have to bear the economic consequences for US interests.

Ironically, although the US has been trying hard to restrict China's high-tech development even at the expense of its allies' interests and the global supply chain, it not only hasn't achieved its desired outcome, but only to find itself surrounded by discontented allies. By selfishly fostering division and confrontation to contain China, the US is now shooting itself in the foot.